Noble Air is for Everyone

Our Accessibility Policy


At Noble Air Charter, we are deeply committed to ensuring that our digital services and content are accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. We believe in equal access to our services and are dedicated to making our website not only user-friendly, but also useful, enjoyable, and built for inclusivity of all persons.  Our ongoing commitment to accessibility reflects our core values of inclusivity and responsibility to all our customers.


Our dedication to accessibility encompasses strict adherence to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at Level AA, as well as compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These guidelines and legal requirements form the foundation of our efforts to ensure that our website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. The ADA, a civil rights law in the United States, mandates that digital services and content are accessible, making our commitment not just a matter of good practice but also a legal responsibility. 

Our adherence to these guidelines and the ADA ensures that our website is inclusive and accessible to individuals with various disabilities, including visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments.


Our commitment to accessibility at Noble Air Charter is comprehensive and extends to all aspects of our digital presence. This includes our public-facing website, mobile applications, and any digital content we provide. 

We understand that accessibility is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process, and we are dedicated to ensuring that all our digital offerings are accessible to everyone, including people with various types of disabilities.

In cases where our website uses third-party content or integrates with external platforms, we strive to work with partners who share our commitment to accessibility. 

However, there might be areas where the accessibility is beyond our direct control. In such instances, we remain dedicated to advocating for accessibility improvements in those external elements.


Noble Air Charter believes that accountability and clear assignment of responsibility are key to successful web accessibility. To this end, we have designated a dedicated team to oversee our accessibility efforts. This team is responsible for ensuring that our digital content meets current accessibility standards, including the WCAG 2.1 Level AA guidelines and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Our accessibility team works closely with all departments to integrate accessibility considerations into our daily operations. They are also tasked with staying abreast of developments in accessibility standards and legal requirements, ensuring that Noble Air Charter continues to meet and exceed these benchmarks.

For questions or concerns regarding our accessibility efforts, or to report an accessibility issue, please contact our Accessibility Coordinator at [email address] or 305-685-9634. We welcome feedback as an opportunity to continue improving our accessibility practices.


Noble Air Charter has integrated a variety of features and accommodations into our website to ensure accessibility for all users. These features are designed to provide a seamless and inclusive experience, particularly for individuals with disabilities. Our key accessibility features include:

  • Keyboard Navigation: Our website is fully navigable using a keyboard. This feature is particularly helpful for users with motor disabilities or those who prefer using a keyboard over a mouse.
  • Alternative Text for Images: All images on our website are accompanied by alternative text descriptions. This ensures that users who rely on screen readers can understand the content conveyed by images.
  • Closed Captioning for Videos: We provide closed captioning for all video content, making it accessible to users with hearing impairments.
  • Adjustable Text Size: Users can adjust the text size on our website for better readability, accommodating those with visual impairments.
  • Contrast: Our site offers high-contrast text and background elements to enhance readability for users with low vision. 
  • Screen Reader Compatibility: Our website is compatible with leading screen readers, ensuring that users with visual impairments can access all content.

We continually assess and update our website to improve accessibility and ensure compliance with the latest standards and guidelines. Our goal is to create an inclusive digital experience that allows all users to engage fully with our content.


To maintain and improve our web accessibility at Noble Air Charter, we have implemented a rigorous testing and auditing process. This approach allows us to proactively identify and address potential accessibility barriers on our website. Our testing and audit process includes:

  • Automated Testing: We utilize automated testing tools to regularly scan our website for compliance with WCAG 2.1 Level AA standards. These tools help us quickly identify technical issues that could impact accessibility.
  • Manual Testing: Automated tools cannot catch all accessibility issues, especially those related to user experience. Therefore, our team conducts manual testing, including navigating the website using screen readers and other assistive technologies.
  • Expert Reviews: We engage accessibility experts to periodically review our website. Their insights and recommendations help us to continuously enhance the accessibility of our site.
  • User Feedback: We encourage and actively seek feedback from our users, especially from those with disabilities. This feedback is crucial in understanding real-world accessibility challenges and making necessary improvements.
  • Continuous Improvement: Our accessibility testing and audits are not one-time events. We are committed to ongoing assessment and enhancement of our web accessibility, aligning with evolving standards and user needs.

We document our findings and remediate identified issues in a timely manner, ensuring our website remains accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.


We at Noble Air Charter believe that feedback from our users is invaluable in our journey towards complete web accessibility. We encourage our users, especially those with disabilities, to report any issues they encounter while using our website and to provide suggestions for improvements.

To report accessibility issues or offer feedback, please use the following contact methods:

  • Email: Reach out to us at We prioritize these emails and ensure prompt responses to address your concerns.
  • Phone: For immediate assistance, call our dedicated accessibility support line at (305) 685-9634. Our team is available [hours of operation] to assist with any accessibility queries or issues.
  • Online Feedback Form: Users can also provide feedback through a simple and accessible online form, available below, on our website. This form is designed to be easy to navigate and use, even with assistive technologies.

Your feedback is essential for us to understand the effectiveness of our accessibility efforts and to identify areas where we can improve. We are committed to reviewing all feedback carefully and taking appropriate action to enhance the accessibility of our website.


Noble Air Charter is not only committed to current accessibility standards but we’re also focused on the future of web accessibility. To this end, we have developed a comprehensive implementation plan, outlining our short-term and long-term goals for enhancing accessibility on our website.

  • Short-Term Goals (Next 6-12 Months):
    • Enhancing Keyboard Navigation: Improving and testing the keyboard navigability of our website to ensure a seamless experience for users with motor impairments.
    • Content Review: Conducting a thorough review of all website content to ensure text, images, and multimedia are fully accessible.
  • Long-Term Goals (1-3 Years):
    • Regular Accessibility Audits: Establishing a routine for conducting detailed accessibility audits to identify and rectify any potential barriers.
    • Technology Upgrades: Implementing new technologies and design practices as they emerge to enhance the accessibility of our website.

We will review and update our accessibility statement annually to reflect our progress and any changes in our practices or regulations. Noble Air Charter is dedicated to continual improvement in accessibility, ensuring that our digital content remains accessible and inclusive for all our users.